Week Notes 24#19

A busy week on the blog:

  • We polished off the announce posts for oapi-codegen looking for sponsorship and the move to the new org which have got some traffic, but not quite as much - yet - as I'd have hoped
    • Less than 12 hours after posting, I had one company reach out to say they're kicking off the process to sponsor me, and since then I've also had another message from someone who's hoping to sponsor me - super appreciated!
    • Had a fair bit of traffic via daily.dev
  • My responsible disclosure around GitHub search permissions got scored, and I was able to blog about it πŸ‘
    • This has also done the numbers way more than my oapi-codegen post πŸ˜… But been cool to talk about it and got some cool congrats about it
    • Still trying to decide if I bank the money or donate to charity (which GitHub will match)
  • The new on-call and Host of the Week process at work has definitely helped, and I've done some fairly focussed work on things
  • We had a nice walk at Bestwood Mill Lakes with Carol and Juno on Friday evening, and then had Rakki Rakkas afterwards πŸ˜‹
  • Because we ate a bit late we went to bed later than usual, and then the next morning were very annoyed to have realised we missed the aurora (especially Carol's photos, probably not by much
  • Then last night I thought I'd try and see I if could see it on the second attempt, and stayed up till about midnight but no dice
  • Been playing a lot of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom with Anna this week, which has been fun πŸ₯°
    • Including one night being deep in the depths - discovering a fiery depths below - with Morph sat cutely on my lap 😻
  • No Shogun this week, as any focussed programme time has been replaced with Zelda!
  • Cookie's been sleeping a bit in her bed in the dining room instead of in the living room, so we've moved one of her spare beds into the living room, and as I'm writing this she's just getting herself settled
  • Just seen someone link to (my oapi-codegen sustainability post) with utm_campaign=2024-05-12-this-go-code-is-bad and trying to work out if this is them being shitty about the project or what πŸ˜… But a bit of searching around and I can't see it - if you know where this is from, let me know!
    • Update 2024-05-13: It's via the Applied Go newsletter who aren't, it's that later in the post there's talk of bad code πŸ˜…
  • Also seen some hits from Activision, and Elastic's Salesforce, presumably who don't know the post was from someone who works there
  • Next week is the week most of my team are doing a hackathon at work, which I was also meant to be doing, but as I'm on-call I won't be able to as I'll probably be busy during my 0600-1500 shift, so I'll be taking my hackathon week the week after
    • I'll probably still get involved with the 4 projects I was very invested in 🫣
    • But getting a week after on-call is fine, and at least I'll be able to get stuff done
  • So this weekend I've been playing around with Google Cloud a little bit as prep to try and work out how some of the things could be done, as I last implemented dependency-management-data's updating infrastructure with AWS
  • Had a Deliveroo from Boo Burger on Friday, and the Go-Chu burger was 🀌 The perfect mix of crispy, spicy and the slaw was so πŸ˜‹
  • Announced the OpenUK Digital Meetup happening in a couple of weeks
    • And as ever, there was the fun of "how do I tag a Fediverse account, again?" and hoping it would actually work (it did)
  • Had a nice catch-up with Tom about Wiremock, Open Source, running a business, and more - and was nice as it was the first time we've spoken not on GitHub or Slack!
  • Had great fun being a guest on Cup o' Go this week
  • Thinking I should get Hades 2 as I was a fan of the first, albeit I've not been able to
  • Saw Leo, Nelly and Jax for a few minutes this morning when we got to the park, which was nice, but so much chaos πŸ˜…
  • Made the mistake of doing a battle against Drageaux in Ring Fit Adventures - which was like the penultimate level from what I can see? - as it was such a workout πŸ₯΅
  • Didn't end up winning anything with the Encore hack, but was still fun
  • Got an epic pizza from Asda - the new person who I didn't think much of the other week made the best portioned pizza we've ever had πŸ˜‹πŸ”₯
  • Been hacking on a new look for my micropub CLI, which would provide an autodiscovering editor, wrapping Charm's excellent libraries
  • Had some epic roast chicken sandwiches this weekend πŸ˜‹
  • A nice Bank Holiday Monday, but it felt like a Sunday and was very weird not having week notes in the evening


  • How I Met Your Mother
  • Archer

Written by Jamie Tanna's profile image Jamie Tanna on , and last updated on .

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