Week Notes 23#03

Starting to get back to normal at work - with a one week sprint - after performance reviews, on-site and getting into the start of the year:

  • Started on a set of projects I'm leading which are one of our big goals this year
  • This week began the rollout of Renovate across the org for Docker updates, which was a big project I'd been leading on
    • It went well and I've had some good feedback and questions about it so far
    • Although it didn't start out working perfectly with repos' configuration being overridden due to ordering. But with the support from the Renovate team, managed to get it unblocked overnight - I'll do a post about it at some point
    • Spoke at the Tech Huddle and got some more interest in Renovate
    • Got some new visitors to my site through (not so) subtle branding and discussion in the Tech Huddle chat, which was cool
  • Spent some time building a GitHub Actions workflow for updating our dependency management data, but it gets as far as 4 hours in and then crashes πŸ™ƒ So gonna see about splitting it into smaller executions, as it'd be very handy to have it continually updated.
  • Couple of days with Cookie while Anna was in the office, so tidied up my office so she could get in, and was nice to have her chilling in her bed behind me, next to the radiator, or out on the landing
  • Someone on the IndieWeb chat highlighted that tokens-pls, a service I run for testing public OAuth2 clients, has been throwing errors as I'd not done anything since Heroku shut down free projects, so spent a bit of time today getting it migrated over to Fly
    • With my webmention sender seeing that I'd not updated it recently, it sent webmentions through to Bridgy Fed, and the wonderful Dan Moore shared it round quite a few places. Nice to see people finding it of use, and had some interested visitors in my site, too!
  • Had a very tasty Chinese takeaway from Noodle Inn, the first one in a while πŸ˜‹
  • Cookie's been pretty good this week considering we've not been able to walk her much given how cold it is
  • We've managed to cut a bit more of her claws, which is good
  • To find an alternative "idle game", I've picked up AdVenture Capitalist. It's changed a bit since I last played it on PC, and I've already found myself suckered into some of the urgency of a limited-time event and trying to maximise my score πŸ₯²
    • But I've just managed to accidentally sabotage myself so yeah I definitely won't be hitting the challenge I thought I would
  • Had a nice catchup with Carol and Juno yesterday, the first time Cookie and Juno have seen each other in months!
  • Cookie was interested in me chopping onions so I gave her a sniff, and she booped my onion fingers with her nose and then recoiled πŸ₯Ί She's so silly
  • One day Morph snuck all the way to outside the loft room - as the door was closed - and then let out a massive meow, waking up Cookie and making us all come out and see what he was up to
  • Returned to the sandwich shop for the first time in a while for a couple of very good sandwiches πŸ˜‹
  • Got very annoyed at prepping green beans for dinner this week - wish there was a quicker way to trim and chop them, cause it takes so long, and ruins the flow of the meal prep
  • Had a parade of cats through the front garden appear on our front door camera the other night
  • Managed to get Cookie's coat on for the first time, and she was super snug in it for her walk, although with the amount of time it took us to get her into it, we could've been gone and back before it'd gotten even colder 😬
  • Tried to convince Cookie that wearing a coat was fun by putting Morph in one of her smaller coats, which didn't work, but he had a funny reaction to it realising that
  • Been pretty under the weather towards the end of the week, feeling quite cold-y
  • Ended up having a few Burgs for lunch πŸ˜… Very much a fan of the Mint Areo milkshake πŸ˜‹
  • Got the new runner for the hallway which looks really good, but Cookie decided to enjoy trying to pull it up mere seconds after I'd put it out


  • Community
  • Star Trek: Deep Space 9
  • Army of the Dead
  • Spiderhead
  • True Blood

Written by Jamie Tanna's profile image Jamie Tanna on , and last updated on .

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