Week Notes 20#24

Another long week, doing a lot more overworking than I should have:

  • As I worked over a lot, it meant I didn't have a lot of time for personal projects / relaxation, so I ended up working on personal things until late, getting to bed late, and then waking up super tired
  • Lots of things breaking at work, and feeling like I had to pick up a fair bit of slack - not that this is necessarily true, but that's how I've been feeling
  • Overhauled my site's theme
  • Busy meetup week, with Tech Nottingham, Homebrew Website Club Nottingham and PHPMiNDS
  • New mattress arrived this week! We got the Eve Premium Mattress, and so far it's been making a pretty big difference with sleep - although I didn't get them to pick up the old mattress, so that's in the way a bit
  • Watched Artemis Fowl, but was not happy with how it was written
  • Started watching Alex Rider which I am really impressed with - it's been a great adaptation so far (two episodes in)
  • Watched The Family
  • Watched One For The Money
  • Spent a fair bit of time fighting Google Cloud Functions as part of setting up the jwks-ical API
    • Wanted to use GCP as I've still got a tonne of credit left, and it's nice to have alternatives in my toolchain
    • Mostly had issues around JDK11 build/uploads
    • But I'm quite impressed with the way the Java API bindings are written, and the ease I could get it working
    • Was a bit disappointed I couldn't set up a custom DNS record, and even through Firebase I didn't manage to get it working
  • A little late to the party, but seriously considering getting Ring Fit Adventures as it seems like a fun way to do a bit more exercise

Written by Jamie Tanna's profile image Jamie Tanna on , and last updated on .

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