Tag www.jvt.me


Followers of my blog - you can now subscribe to just blog posts for certain tags, for instance if you want to read all my articles about Go but only my articles, and not be annoyed by all the other stuff tagged go, you can now add https://www.jvt.me/tags/go/feed.articles.xml to your feed reader of choice.

And of course, this is discoverable via RSS discovery so you can just point your feed reader at i.e. https://www.jvt.me/tags/go/ and it should prompt you the different options.


I've also implemented this in my Micropub server:

  • when creating a post, and the draft scope is present, the post-status is forced to draft (even if it's set otherwise in the post)
  • when updating a post, and the draft scope is present, the update is only allowed when updating a draft post, otherwise returns insufficient_scope
  • delete/undelete returns insufficient_scope when the draft scope is present


So I sorted my Webmention sending issue after an incredibly frustrating day of fighting with Jackson parsing my XML sitemap. I'm still not sure what the issue was, as I've ended up replacing my POJO with another one, but πŸ€·πŸ½β€β™‚οΈ at least Webmentions are sending again


Woops, looks like I broke my Webmention sending yesterday when I upgraded all my versions of Spring / Spring Boot. That'd explain why things haven't syndicated to Twitter today. Film time now, so will fix tomorrow!


I interact a lot with Twitter from my website, and as such the interactions you see are i.e. "Like of @indiewebcamp's tweet" which isn't super helpful. So I've just added the ability to mark up my interactions with some context of what the post was so it's eaiser to see without navigating there.

This is using the awesome https://granary.io/ and will hopefully make reading Twitter interactions through my site much nicer!

You can see https://www.jvt.me/mf2/2020/02/ihnc5/ for an example of what it'll look like (including photos!), and https://indieweb.org/reply-context for more info from around the #indieweb