Tag on-call
Publishing My On-Call Compensation History (1 mins read).
Publishing a page detailing the on-call compensation I've received over the years.
LeadDev London 2023 (59 mins read).

A writeup of LeadDev London 2023 conference.
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Honeycomb on call teams have an SLO of not getting paged more than twice a week, or having to work an incident outside of business hours more than once every six months. We were burning out our people, so we had to call a halt to the flurry of changes.Charity Majors (@mipsytipsy)Sat, 15 Jan 2022 04:58 GMT
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The 2019 on-call compensation survey by @evnsio @spikelindsey is still online at oncall.netlify.appPost details
π On-call Compensation The results of mine and @spikelindsey's on-call survey are now available at oncall.wtf. There's a link from there to the raw data that people were willing to have shared too. Big thanks to everyone who helped fill this out!Chris Evans (@evnsio)Thu, 14 Feb 2019 17:30 GMT
Steve Smith (@SteveSmith_Tech)Sun, 22 Aug 2021 11:47 +0000
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Everyone should be on-call because everyone should share the load The load exists because companies don't invest in proper infrastructure and ample headcount Yet another way this industry will grind you to dustPost details
principal engineers should be on call there - i said itkris nΓ³va (@krisnova)Sat, 10 Jul 2021 18:46 +0000
bletchley punk (@alicegoldfuss)Sun, 11 Jul 2021 20:34 +0000
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for my birthday my team got me the gift of being on-call
Kamal Nasser π¦ (@kamaln7)Sat, 19 Dec 2020 01:41 GMT
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Maybe I need to write a blog post called "On Call For Managers". If you're asking engineers to be on call for their code -- and you should -- you owe in return: - enough time to fix what's broken - hands to do the work - closely track how often they are interrupted/woken - ..etcCharity Majors (@mipsytipsy)Fri, 25 Sep 2020 21:24 +0000
DevOpsDays London 2019 (63 mins read).

A writeup of the DevOpsDays London conference, and the talks and Open Spaces I attended.
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