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Liked RIP AWS Go Lambda Runtime | Mark Wolfe's Blog by Mark Wolfe 
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Amazon Web Services (AWS) is deprecating the go1.x runtime on Lambda, this is currently scheduled for December 31, 2023. Customers need to migrate their Go based lambda functions to the al2.provided runtime, which uses Amazon Linux 2 as the execution environment. I think this is a bad thing for a couple of reasons: There is no automated migration path from existing Go Lambda functions to the new custom runtime. Customers will need to manually refactor and migrate each function to this new runtime, which this is time-consuming and error-prone.


Liked Ergonomic Map in Go
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In many languages, on of the things I find myself doing is maping over a list to extract some field. For example, coverting a []Person to []Name. Most languages these days have ways to do this pretty easily: Kotlin: people.map { it.Name } JavaScript: people.map(p => p.Name) Rust: people.map(|p| p.Name) Scala: people.map(_.Name) With generics, Go finally can do this in a type safe manner: Map(people, func(t Person) string { return t.