Tag git


It's more that a Pull Request is a GitHub specific name for something in use in Git (https://www.git-scm.com/docs/git-request-pull) for kernel development and other projects for some time


If you run env GIT_SSH_COMMAND='ssh -vvv that'll give you the verbose output you'll need from ssh to do it 👍🏽


https://www.jvt.me/posts/2021/03/31/git-origin-head/ may be of interest as a fairly well supported way of getting upstream default branch - I'm interested in this too though so I'll have a play with it tomorrow too


Have you looked at git reflog? It shows a log of all operations on your local repo and allows you to do exactly that - find commit hashes to go back to, which you could then git reset --hard


A number of Git hosting tools (GitLab and GitHub at least) use origin/HEAD to denote primary branch on the upstream so you could probably do something with that


I don't think so but https://github.com/forgefed/forgefed is a standard that's being worked on to make it possible to federated across providers for this reason