2022's Site In Review

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Overall traffic

This yearLast year
Number of visits363136146772
Number of articles143111
Number of blogumentation articles10973

Traffic across the year

Screenshot of the Matomo "Visits over time" view showing the year's traffic

PagePageviewsUnique pageviews

Sources of traffic

Search Engines267354
Direct Entry46843
Social Networks33306
TagNumber of posts


There was a pretty nice upwards trend over the year in readership, with three key spikes:

I wrote about what it's like to go viral, but that unfortunately didn't go viral πŸ˜…

Starting the year doing a lot of Java in CDDO, but then moving to Deliveroo and doing a lot of Go and OpenAPI is reflected in the top tags in the year.

Written by Jamie Tanna's profile image Jamie Tanna on , and last updated on .

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This post was filed under articles.

This post is part of the series site-in-review.

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