Using the Facade Pattern to More Easily Test static
or Complex Classes (2 mins read).

How to use the Facade design pattern to more easily test classes that are more complex than our tests need to understand.
Using the Facade Pattern to More Easily Test static
or Complex Classes (2 mins read).
How to use the Facade design pattern to more easily test classes that are more complex than our tests need to understand.
Testing Data Serialisation/Deserialization in Java (with Gson) (3 mins read).
How to validate your JSON types correctly serialise/deserialise when using the Gson library.
Testing Data Serialisation/Deserialization in Java (with Moshi) (3 mins read).
How to validate your JSON types correctly serialise/deserialise when using the Moshi library.
Shift Your Testing Left with Spring Boot Controllers (5 mins read).
How to break down your tests for Spring Boot controllers, which could be used when performing Test Driven Development.
Creating More Descriptive and Fluent Assertion Helpers (4 mins read).
How to improve test readability, and developer experience, using assertion helpers.
Testing Data Serialisation/Deserialization in Java (with Jackson) (4 mins read).
How to validate your JSON types correctly serialise/deserialise.
Making Your Gherkin Scenarios Written Using Human-Readable Language (4 mins read).
A lukewarm take about why you should use natural language, so someone not-as-technical can read it and still derive value.
Using Abstract Test Classes To Reduce Duplication in Java (4 mins read).
How to use Java's abstract classes to reduce duplication of code across unit tests with common functionality.
Testing that your Spring Boot Application Context is Correctly Configured (2 mins read).
How to improve the tests you've got to validate that Spring Boot's context is set up correctly.
Testing Data Serialisation/Deserialization using JsonTest
with Spring Boot (3 mins read).
How to use the @JsonTest
test type in Spring Boot to validate your JSON types correctly serialise/deserialise.
Default Your Tests to run in Parallel (2 mins read).
Discussing the benefits you can achieve by having parallel-by-default.
Writing Better Wiremock Stubs (3 mins read).
How to improve the specificity of Wiremock tests to allow for not clobbering other scenarios, and enabling scalable test runs.
Writing Better Tests (1 mins read).
Announcing a new series of posts about improving the way we write tests.
You're currently viewing page 1 of 1, of 13 posts.