Avoiding Spring context issues when parallelising @Nested
Spring integration tests

I write a lot of integration tests with Spring (Boot) and enjoy using nested test classes while using JUnit 5 to provide some structure.
For instance, I may have the following test hierarchy:
V1AlphaFetcherIntegrationTest { // top-level class
Fetch { // method under test
InGeneral { // regardless of the happy/sad path testing
WhenNotFound {
// ...
WhenBadRequest {
// ...
This structure gives better breakdown of where tests are applied, allowing a more targeted test setup/teardown for each set of specific cases, and generally helps visibility of tests and failures, too.
On the flipside as I default to parallelisation with my tests, this leads to the need to juggle the Spring context.
I've hit a number of issues with this parallelisation in the past, with i.e. MockBean
s sometimes having more invocations than expected, or where we've got setup for mocks being crossed over.
Previously, or where not managing Spring context, I'd reach to the following hierarchy for tests, where we have our overall integration test class, which has beans set up and any other helper methods, which can then be consumed inside the nested classes:
@Import({IntegrationTestBase.Config.class, JacksonAutoConfiguration.class})
class V1AlphaFetcherIntegrationTest {
protected final TestLogger logger = TestLoggerFactory.getTestLogger(V1AlphaFetcher.class);
@MockBean protected Mdc mdc;
@Autowired protected ObjectMapper objectMapper;
@Autowired protected MockWebServer server;
@Autowired protected V1AlphaFetcher fetcher;
static class Config {
public MockWebServer webServer() {
return new MockWebServer();
public WebClient webClient() {
return WebClient.builder().build();
// other beans
void tearDown() {
// shared methods
class Fetch {
class InGeneral {
// tests, using the shared beans like `mdc`
This would then lead to some awkward state management, possibly requiring a @BeforeEach
in each test to reset things, which isn't ideal, and overcomplicates our tests.
The solution I find works is to instead create a base class for each nested test case, i.e. IntegrationTestBase
class V1AlphaFetcherIntegrationTest {
@Import({IntegrationTestBase.Config.class, JacksonAutoConfiguration.class})
abstract class IntegrationTestBase {
protected final TestLogger logger = TestLoggerFactory.getTestLogger(V1AlphaFetcher.class);
@MockBean protected Mdc mdc;
@Autowired protected ObjectMapper objectMapper;
@Autowired protected MockWebServer server;
@Autowired protected V1AlphaFetcher fetcher;
static class Config {
public MockWebServer webServer() {
return new MockWebServer();
public WebClient webClient() {
return WebClient.builder().build();
// other beans
void tearDown() {
// shared methods
class Fetch {
class InGeneral extends IntegrationTestBase {
// tests
This allows us to put common things into a central place, making a clear set of common setup, and allowing us to access shared beans using protected
fields. By leaving state out of the overall test class, we also make it much clearer how the state is being managed.