Using Middleman Redirects with a Custom, Non-HTML Content Type

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The security.txt standard is a great one for managing security policies for websites.

If you manage multiple websites, you may want to point all of them to a central security.txt, rather than managing the metadata on each site.

As I manage a few sites that run on Middleman, we were looking at managing them centrally using Middleman's redirects.

We started by using Middleman's redirect (after being hit by this gotcha), resulting in this:

redirect "security.txt", to: ""

This then produces the following HTML in build/security.txt, which looks great:

    <link rel="canonical" href="" />
    <meta http-equiv=refresh content="0; url=" />
    <meta name="robots" content="noindex,follow" />
    <meta http-equiv="cache-control" content="no-cache" />

Unfortunately, when this is served by the local Middleman server, it is rendered as Content-Type: text/plain, so the browser doesn"t actually perform the redirect.

To handle this correctly for our local server, we can tell it to render the security.txt as HTML, by using th content_type:

page "/security.txt", content_type: "text/html"
redirect "security.txt", to: ""

This works for local, but then doesn't let this work when we're hosting it, as the content_type doesn't get translated into the built files.

To manage this, we then need to add a redirect for the .html extension:

page "/security.txt", content_type: "text/html"
redirect "security.txt", to: ""
redirect "security.txt.html", to: ""

I've tested that this works on GitHub Pages, Netlify and GitLab, but if you run on a different hosting platform, the stripping of the trailing .html may not work.

In cases where your deployment provider may have problems if both Security.txt nad security.txt.html are present, when requesting /security.txt, you can make it optional:

def external_redirect(from, to)
  configure :development do
  page "/security.txt", content_type: "text/html"
  redirect "security.txt", to: ""

redirect "security.txt.html", to: ""

And for duplication:

def external_redirect(from, to)
  configure :development do
    page "/#{from}", content_type: "text/html"
    redirect from, to: to

  redirect "#{from}.html", to: to

external_redirect("security.txt", "")

Alternatively, we can get it working with just this:

redirect "security.txt/index.html", to: ""
import_file File.expand_path("_config.yml", config[:source]), "/_config.yml"

Making sure to include source/_config.yml for GitHub Pages, which seems to be required, even if you're not using Jekyll, which _config.yml comes from:

- '.well-known'

Written by Jamie Tanna's profile image Jamie Tanna on , and last updated on .

Content for this article is shared under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial Share Alike 4.0 International, and code is shared under the Apache License 2.0.

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