How to run tests from the ChefDK in Docker

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It can be really helpful to run your local ChefDK setup using Docker, rather than installing it on your workstation, to ensure that everything works with a clean ChefDK.

I'll be taking you through this process, while avoiding editing the existing upstream image, instead overriding specific functionality using command-line flags on the host.

Getting it running

Let us assume that we're using ChefDK version v3.5.13, but this should be valid for any other ChefDK version. We can start this off by checking the versions of the core ChefDK tools by running:

$ docker run --rm -ti chef/chefdk:3.5.13 chef --version
Chef Development Kit Version: 3.5.13
chef-client version: 14.7.17
delivery version: master (6862f27aba89109a9630f0b6c6798efec56b4efe)
berks version: 7.0.6
kitchen version: 1.23.2
inspec version: 3.0.52

Running our unit tests + linting

We'll use the Java cookbook in this example, as it's got all aspects of cookbook workflow to try out.

Assuming we have the following directory structure:

$ pwd
$ ls ~/cookbooks

We make sure that we mount our cookbook into a known path, such as /cookbook, which helps with mapping a consistent structure:

$ docker run --rm -v $PWD/java:/cookbook -ti chef/chefdk:3.5.13 ls /cookbook
attributes  LICENSE      resources
Berksfile     metadata.rb  spec  Dangerfile    templates
chefignore    libraries           recipes      test

As we're mounting the cookbook into a new folder, we want to set Docker's WORKDIR to automagically cd into that directory, instead of us running that each time:

$ docker run --rm -w=/cookbook -v $PWD/java:/cookbook -ti chef/chefdk:3.5.13 ls
attributes  LICENSE      resources
Berksfile     metadata.rb  spec  Dangerfile    templates
chefignore    libraries           recipes      test


Now we have our setup ready, we want to run our code style checks through cookstyle:

$ docker run --rm -w=/cookbook -v $PWD/java:/cookbook -ti chef/chefdk:3.5.13 cookstyle
Inspecting 68 files

68 files inspected, no offenses detected


For our Chef-specific linting, we run foodcritic:

$ docker run --rm -w=/cookbook -v $PWD/java:/cookbook -ti chef/chefdk:3.5.13 foodcritic .
Checking 11 files


If we want to check that our unit tests pass successfully, we'd run rspec:

$ docker run --rm -w=/cookbook -v $PWD/java:/cookbook -ti chef/chefdk:3.5.13 rspec
..........................................WARNING: you must specify a 'platform' and optionally a 'version' for your ChefSpec Runner and/or Fauxhai constructor, in the future omitting the platform will become a hard error. A list of available platforms is available at
.WARNING: you must specify a 'platform' and optionally a 'version' for your ChefSpec Runner and/or Fauxhai constructor, in the future omitting the platform will become a hard error. A list of available platforms is available at
.WARNING: you must specify a 'platform' and optionally a 'version' for your ChefSpec Runner and/or Fauxhai constructor, in the future omitting the platform will become a hard error. A list of available platforms is available at
.WARNING: you must specify a 'platform' and optionally a 'version' for your ChefSpec Runner and/or Fauxhai constructor, in the future omitting the platform will become a hard error. A list of available platforms is available at
.WARNING: you must specify a 'platform' and optionally a 'version' for your ChefSpec Runner and/or Fauxhai constructor, in the future omitting the platform will become a hard error. A list of available platforms is available at
.WARNING: you must specify a 'platform' and optionally a 'version' for your ChefSpec Runner and/or Fauxhai constructor, in the future omitting the platform will become a hard error. A list of available platforms is available at
.WARNING: you must specify a 'platform' and optionally a 'version' for your ChefSpec Runner and/or Fauxhai constructor, in the future omitting the platform will become a hard error. A list of available platforms is available at
.WARNING: you must specify a 'platform' and optionally a 'version' for your ChefSpec Runner and/or Fauxhai constructor, in the future omitting the platform will become a hard error. A list of available platforms is available at
.WARNING: you must specify a 'platform' and optionally a 'version' for your ChefSpec Runner and/or Fauxhai constructor, in the future omitting the platform will become a hard error. A list of available platforms is available at
.WARNING: you must specify a 'platform' and optionally a 'version' for your ChefSpec Runner and/or Fauxhai constructor, in the future omitting the platform will become a hard error. A list of available platforms is available at

Finished in 0.69453 seconds (files took 2.4 seconds to load)
56 examples, 0 failures

Test Kitchen

Depending on which driver you're using, this step may or not be possible - for instance, getting a Vagrant instance running from a Docker image may not be possible.


Depending on how you have the EC2 driver for Test-Kitchen, kitchen-ec2 configured, you may have a configuration file in your home directory (~/.kitchen/config.yml) which has configuration such as default tags for an instance. This will need to be mounted into the image:

$ docker run --rm -w=/cookbook -v ~/.kitchen/config.yml:/root/.kitchen/config.yml -v $PWD/java:/cookbook -ti chef/chefdk:3.5.13 kitchen test

Note that this all should work as long as the docker image can access the EC2 metadata endpoint (see Not using the proxy for the EC2 Metadata Endpoint below), you're good to go!

Hey, what about internal setups?

You may be running in an environment where your services are not publicly accessible, or are having to route through a proxy. The following changes may be required:

Trusting Internal Certificates

Following the steps in Trusting Self-Signed Certificates from the Chef Development Kit, we would want to modify Chef's certificates to trust the internal certificate. However, if we want to use our upstream images as-is, we can instead mount a custom CA certs bundle into the image, otherwise we would receive an error similar to:

$ docker run --rm -w=/cookbook -v $PWD/java:/cookbook -ti chef/chefdk:3.5.13 berks
[2018-12-05T19:00:28+00:00] ERROR: SSL Validation failure connecting to host: - SSL_connect returned=1 errno=0 state=error: certificate verify failed
#<Thread:0x00000000023ae308@/opt/chefdk/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/2.5.0/gems/berkshelf-7.0.6/lib/berkshelf/installer.rb:21 run> terminated with exception (report_on_exception is true):
Traceback (most recent call last):
        8: from /opt/chefdk/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/2.5.0/gems/berkshelf-7.0.6/lib/berkshelf/installer.rb:24:in `block (2 levels) in build_universe'
        7: from /opt/chefdk/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/2.5.0/gems/berkshelf-7.0.6/lib/berkshelf/source.rb:85:in `build_universe'
        6: from /opt/chefdk/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/2.5.0/gems/berkshelf-7.0.6/lib/berkshelf/api_client/connection.rb:47:in `universe'
        5: from /opt/chefdk/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/2.5.0/gems/berkshelf-7.0.6/lib/berkshelf/ridley_compat.rb:37:in `get'
        4: from /opt/chefdk/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/2.5.0/gems/chef-14.7.17/lib/chef/http.rb:115:in `get'
        3: from /opt/chefdk/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/2.5.0/gems/chef-14.7.17/lib/chef/http.rb:149:in `request'
        2: from /opt/chefdk/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/2.5.0/gems/chef-14.7.17/lib/chef/http.rb:365:in `send_http_request'
        1: from /opt/chefdk/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/2.5.0/gems/chef-14.7.17/lib/chef/http.rb:408:in `retrying_http_errors'
/opt/chefdk/embedded/lib/ruby/gems/2.5.0/gems/chef-14.7.17/lib/chef/http.rb:451:in `rescue in retrying_http_errors': SSL Error connecting to - SSL_connect returned=1 errno=0 state=error: certificate verify failed (OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError)
OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError SSL Error connecting to - SSL_connect returned=1 errno=0 state=error: certificate verify failed

Assuming you have followed the steps in Trusting Self-Signed Certificates from the Chef Development Kit, you should be able to mount your trusted_certs folder:

# with our pre-downloaded trusted certificates
$ docker run --rm -w=/cookbook -v ~/.chef/trusted_certs:/root/.chef/trusted_certs -v $PWD/java:/cookbook -ti chef/chefdk:3.5.13 berks
Fetching cookbook index from
Installing homebrew (5.0.8)
Using java (3.1.2) from source at .
Installing windows (5.2.2)
Using test (0.1.0) from source at test/fixtures/cookbooks/test

Not using proxy for internal hosts

If we've got an internal Supermarket and are operating behind a proxy, we'd want to follow the steps within SSLError When Running Berkshelf Behind a Proxy and add our Supermarket's FQDN to our no_proxy. I.e. when we're running our ChefSpec tests:

$ docker run --rm -e -w=/cookbook -v $PWD/java:/cookbook -ti chef/chefdk:3.5.13 rspec

Not using the proxy for the EC2 Metadata Endpoint

If you're using i.e. kitchen-ec2 as a Test Kitchen driver, you'll also need to add the EC2 metadata endpoint to your no_proxy list:

$ docker run --rm -e no_proxy= -w=/cookbook -v $PWD/java:/cookbook -ti chef/chefdk:3.5.13 kitchen test

Without this, you'll receive errors around not being able to access credentials.

Written by Jamie Tanna's profile image Jamie Tanna on , and last updated on .

Content for this article is shared under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial Share Alike 4.0 International, and code is shared under the Apache License 2.0.

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