Chef 13 Upgrade: Rubocop Changes for Testing render_file with ChefSpec and a with_content Block

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As part of an upgrade from Chef 12 to Chef 13, this is one of the posts in which I've been detailing the issues I've encountered, and how I've resolved them .

When testing that Chef's templates are being rendered correctly, the easiest way to do this is via render_file(...).with_content(&block).

However, when running the below code against Chef 13's Rubocop, this gives the error Parenthesize the param render_file:

expect(chef_run).to render_file('/chef/.ssh/authorized_keys')
  .with_content do |content|
    expect(content).to match(%r{^ssh-rsa this is long key$})
    expect(content).to match(%r{^ssh-another key$})
    expect(content).to match(%r{^wibble deploy$})

The fix is to have the whole render_file method call wrapped in parentheses, such as:

-expect(chef_run).to render_file('/chef/.ssh/authorized_keys')
-  .with_content { |content|
+  .with_content do |content|
     expect(content).to match(%r{^ssh-rsa this is long key$})
     expect(content).to match(%r{^ssh-another key$})
     expect(content).to match(%r{^wibble deploy$})
-  }
+  end)

Additionally, I've converted the multi-line block to a do / end block, as that was another complaint of Rubocop.

Written by Jamie Tanna's profile image Jamie Tanna on , and last updated on .

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