
Listened to Software Supply Chain with Barak Schoster
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The software supply chain consists of packages, imports, dependencies, containers, and APIs. These different components each have unique security risks. To ensure the security of their software supply chain, many developers use tools to analyze and scan their infrastructure for vulnerabilities. Barak Schoster works at Bridgecrew, a DevSecOps cloud security platform. He joins the show


Listened to The Staging Dichotomy with Senthil Padmanabhan
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Serious software projects require several environments.  Your production environment is obviously mission critical.  A staging environment is also necessary to perform validation and regression testing before taking the risk of pushing an update to production.  Best practices and approaches for managing these and other environments vary from organization to organization. In some sense, different software


Bookmarked API Warfare
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API-first. "Headless" e-commerce. "Headless" BI. We've seen a resurgence of startups reimagine startups like Shopify and Wordpress, but built for developers and built for composability. The API is the product. There's three major risks to building on an API. (1) Requests and responses aren't always the full contract. What happens


Has anything changed with the way that JSON Patch works in #Kubernetes recently? Seeing some failed interactions due to missing the /data/ in the path, and requiring it to be a list of operations. Not quite sure why my code has ever worked tbh 😅


After several years of almost doing the migration process, I'm finally shutting down a Scaleway instance (from November 2016!!) and migrating it over to Hetzner, which has already shown a very positive performance increase. I'm sure if I kept it in Scaleway, their new instances would be better, but I've got a few other things in Hetzner, and it makes managing easier, as well as a better price point, too!


Listened to Securing the open source supply chain with Feross Aboukhadijeh on the launch of Socket (The Changelog #482)
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This week we’re joined by the “mad scientist” himself, Feross Aboukhadijeh…and we’re talking about the launch of Socket — the next big thing in the fight to secure and protect the open source supply chain. While working on the frontlines of open source, Feross and team have witnessed firsthand how supply chain attacks ...