
Reposted Jacky (
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I have not slept well at all. Instead of working on negotiating layoffs, leadership is taking this extended break to congratulate themselves for what they've done. Meanwhile, workers of all disciplines and levels are either scrambling to find work or understanding what next steps they can take. I truly don't understand how people who run layoffs sleep well at night - knowing that you've signed off on the destabilizing action of so many.


Reposted Jacky (
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Myself, along with almost 40 other workers (a large amount of, were laid off from Code for America. Instead of working with workers to get a union contract, they gutted our stances. AFAIK, we will be getting COBRA covered until November 2023 and one month of severance. The workers wrote the following:


Listened to Back to the terminal of the future with Zach Lloyd, Founder & CEO of Warp (Changelog Interviews #555)
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This week on The Changelog Adam is joined by Zach Lloyd, Founder & CEO of Warp. We talked with Zach last year about what it takes to build the terminal of the future, and today Adam catches up with Zach to see where they are at on that mission. They talk about the business model of Warp, how they measure success, r...


New release of deepmap/oapi-codegen 🚀 v1.14.0 comes with Iris Support, a requirement of a minimum of Go 1.20, reduction of runtime dependencies, and various other features and fixes 👏


Reposted nebulossify (
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If you work in tech and haven't heard about "being glue", I would say that it's vital to read about it: by You'll either feel extremely heard, or it will open your eyes to what some of your (disproportionately female) coworkers struggle with on a regular basis.


Reposted marasawr (
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Zoomers & boomers: «IDGAF. It doesn’t affect me; everyone already has all my data—» Me: No. No, they do not. You *generate* data every time you touch that service, visit that site, patronise that business. Your data isn’t just your PII, and it isn’t finite. You are a living, breathing fountain of data that can be and is used in ways that harm the vulnerable and marginalised, even if it’s never used to harm *you* It’s not zero-sum. Limiting use & reducing dependence still counts as a good