Kind reposts


Reposted myrmepropagandist (
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Retired old people who aren't just ... busy being sick and dying give back to their communities in HUGE ways. We had someone's grandpa come to our robotics competition to cheer the team on. The old people in my building do all the serious political organizing and man the polls. I'm too busy working being in my 40s and all that. Raising retirement ages takes away more than just "retirement" ... it makes everything harder. Far as I'm concerned it should be 59.


Reposted Joseph Riparian 🏳️‍⚧️ (
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This isn't a subtoot of anyone, I'm just responding to something I read earlier and immediately forgot the source of: The reason that queer and trans people are so afraid right now is not because it's necessarily *worse* for us than it was in the 1990s. For me, it's worse now because it represents such an incredible backslide from the very recent past. It's also worse now because of how violent, specific, and individual the threats are. There is a sense that the gloves are off, and hurting us is overtly the point - the veneer of civility is gone. The fact that most people (off the Fediverse, largely) are not responding uniquely to this unique level of hostility is worrying, to me! There's also a demographic problem happening right now that was never present before: As we come out, and as we choose to be visible, our true number becomes more apparent. The other side doesn't seem very chill about the fact that like three queer or trans people could simultaneously citizen's-arrest every cop in the US! The transphobes are responding to the actuality of trans people now, not the fictional idea that someone, somewhere, was transgender. That is new, and I think it's dangerous. #trans #queer


Reposted Post by Jordan (
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Framed this way, I feel like any team that has had layoffs needs to be very deliberate about not performing heroics to keep things running. **Let things fail** if they require going above and beyond. Otherwise the floor will be raised and it will no longer be “above and beyond”, just the expecta


Reposted Emelia 👸🏻 (
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Shared this privately, but it's worth repeating it publicly: As a platform showing advertisements, you MUST have controls in place to allow people to opt out of certain categories of ads, e.g., those featuring violence, casinos/gambling, weight loss/AI body tuning, or alcohol/drug consumption. Not having that makes your platform unsafe and promotes an unhealthy society.


Reposted Mayank (
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github tip: you can use "" when referencing an issue/PR from another repo inside an issue/PR in your repo this will avoid your issue getting backlinked into the other repo's issue, reducing noise. example: "" becomes: ""


Reposted Matrix Agent (
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not sure who to attribute this to - there is NO reason any of us should have to "thrive in a fast paced environment" or "work well under pressure." most of our daily work is not an emergency and our culture of fake urgency and immediacy just to make more profit for people in the c-suite is burning people out. stop sending people into fight or flight and expecting them to bend over backward because you dont know how plan or manage resources properly


Reposted matdevdug (
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The thing about #tech #layoffs that people who haven’t been through it often don’t understand is that morale never recovers. The employees who remain will never have the same relationship with that company, bosses or peers. Watching people you respect pack their stuff and crying on the phone with their spouses is something that never goes away. When I survived a layoff in my 20s I became a “do exactly what the ticket says” person. I stopped suggesting ideas, providing feedback, believing anything a manager told me. If you are a company considering layoffs, especially a profitable company, you should approach it as “this department will have 100% turnover”. The second I got another job offer I left that company and six months later nobody who had been there at the time of layoffs remained. I’ve seen that pattern play out multiple times.


Reposted Sean Coates (
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It *really* grosses me out when I see/hear YouTubers and Podcasters promoting BetterHelp. They should have gone out of business when this happened.


Reposted BrianKrebs (
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If you've ever wondered why some Wi-Fi is free (like in hotels), it's because typically data about your browsing is sold to countless ad companies that will happily buy it. Had to use the hotel WiFi recently on a trip, and after clicking "agree" to their terms of service, the Little Snitch firewall on my Mac went bonkers. I must have denied 20-30 outbound requests to advertising networks. It still worked, though, so I'm guessing I didn't manage to block all of it.


Reposted Sam Whited (
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Random thought I had earlier that I'd like to run by some #FLOSS software people or FLOSS lawyers: Could we start a "union" of FLOSS software developers that would support us legally and help us bargain for better terms when negotiating license exceptions, support contracts, etc.? 🧵


Reposted Amᵃᵖanda (
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Ouch. A large OpenStreetMap group has been using a proprietary chat platform as a community space for ~10 yrs. Now they gotta pay a $80k/yr (or $10k??) for usage. 🤯😱😢 Slack (now Salesforce) now wants to charge @OpenStreetMapUS for all ~6k users on their server. 😢😢 Ouch. This sort of bait & switch is why open, community owned platforms (like this!) are vital! read more on the slack (while you still can??!): #OpenStreetMap #OSM #FreeSoftware #Cassandra


Reposted Melonie (
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Recently I've seen a few people comment on the air quality readings inside large art galleries; the results were far better than on trains, in planes and airports, in movie theatres and so on, due to the need for conservation of the artwork. It's just so strange thinking about how we apparently care more about protecting art than we do about protecting our own lives.


Reposted Hazel Weakly (
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The secret to software engineering is to focus all of your energy as a team (and a company) on learning how to share information between each other better. Build that understanding. Build that ability to uplift and teach each other. For fuck's sake, stop worrying about over engineering and worry about under understanding the problem. The over engineering goes away the second you start putting humans first and start prioritizing understanding over an artificial roadmap built without context