Kind reposts


Reposted raganwald 🍓 (
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I used to just block ads and leave it up to others to handle the Digital Panopticon. But now I ask myself, “Why am I giving these people oxygen? If they feel their creativity is best presented with a popup that is surrounded by a blur to force you to interact with it, and then when you make it go away there are header and footer ads, and every two paragraphs there is an ad… I can take a moment and find a different page.” I no longer link to pages that are ads interrupted with content. 🚫


Reposted Martin Seeger (
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**Concerning CrowdStrike:** We are now at t+26h. Please compare how much we knew about the xz-attack after less than a day with what we know about the chain of events of giant outage yesterday. If something similar had been caused by an OSS component, we would see congress discussing a ban on open software in critical infrastructure already.


Reposted OpenUK (
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Attached: 1 image In 6 months to 30 April number of people whos code was accepted into open source projects (committers) from the UK increase increased by 1,600 compared to 1,700 in the previous 12 months. Read the OpenUK report to understand OpenUK's plan to build more contributors to open source projects from the UK and our Skills ask of the government. #opensource #theopenmanifesto #openuk


Reposted Dave Anderson (
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Also, quick note for crowdstrike execs: everyone can see you looking over at that bus, considering your options, limbering up your throwing arm... Just a note that the people you probably want to hire are watching reeeally closely how you're going to handle this, and are taking notes. The shareholders may be into human sacrifices, but the people you need to run your business aren't. Choose wisely.


Reposted Jessica🏳️‍🌈 (
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I once ran my own personal URL shortener but eventually killed it because it wasn't that useful, but I kept the links working, and in fact they still work _to this day_ because I converted them from a dynamic PHP web application to a little list of nginx URL redirects. Google have comparatively infinite budget and can't figure out how to be a respectful web citizen.


Reposted Fifi Lamoura (
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It's interesting that people keep talking about the Trump incident as a "shocking act" when it really wasn't shocking at all if you've been paying attention to American gun violence and the Republicans' constant calls for political violence and death threats against Democratic politicians and journalists (though these are mainly targeting female, Black and queer journalists and a lot of the targets are women in politics, so maybe straight White male journalists aren't being subjected to nearly as much of this and just don't believe their colleagues). I wish one journalist would just honestly say 'in a not unexpected act of political violence in our landscape of constant gun violence" or something that acknowledged reality. This kind of gun violence is now terribly mundane in the US and Trump and the GOP helped make it mundane.


Reposted OpenUK (
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Attached: 1 image 10 July - Second OpenUK Digital Meet-up! Join Dr Dawn Foster, James Humphries and host Jamie Tanna, in their talks on high-profile forks, their impacts and the challenges of launching a fork. Register #openuk #digitalmeetup #opensourcelondon


Reposted Adrian Cochrane (
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If there's one thing I've learned as a browser-engine dev: Everything is political! The most mundane things (e.g. how we answer "what time is it?") has the weight of historical politics behind it. Software freedom is a political project, you can't "leave politics out of it"! It makes a lot more sense to ask "how is this political?" than "is this political?". Because it is!


Reposted Aral Balkan (
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Technology is political. If your project or organisation has a “no politics” clause, you’re saying you’re happy to exclude people whose very existence is political in our societies. It’s only defensible if you’re coming from a place of privilege where the dominant politics are to your advantage so you can take them as given. There is no such thing as “no politics”; there is only “no politics other than the politics of the status quo that I benefit from, which I’ve internalised as normal.”


Reposted Hazel Weakly (
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Inside of you there are two engineers. One is sobbing desperately and asking for everyone to use the right tool for the task. Please, they cry, avoid the awful hacky workarounds! One is sobbing desperately and asking for everyone to use the same tool for the task. Please, they cry, make information actually discoverable! Both sob in commiseration together as they end up using 5 separate tools, duplicating the data 3x, and suffer all of the hacky workarounds with none of the discoverability.


Reposted Anthony, of course (
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Look, I drink a LOT of #tea. And I mean gallons of the stuff every day. People expect on Zoom that they'll see my massive mug appear on camera because I always have a cuppa to hand. I have two of' Teabots. So you'd think I'd have strong opinions about how you should make it or drink it, wouldn't you? But no. Make it how you like it. Drink it how you want to. Stop getting all bent out of shape because someone makes it differently to how you do. What the hell is wrong with you?


+1 - in the past I've had it recommended to not inline links and instead include them as footnotes, and I do not like that recommendation 🙃 I want the post to be rich with the context (where appropriate) and it to be linked naturally from what I'm talking about.

Some folks don't like that, that's fine! If it ends up sending someone on a side quest while they're trying to read my post, that's also OK!

Quoted Simon Willison (
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(I'm increasingly suspicious that hardly anyone ever clicks on inline links in text like this, but that's not going to stop me from including them!)


Reposted james (
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Turned on my PC. Was just about to log in when I did a painful double take. The picture displayed by Windows 10 is a Toucan with the words “AI is playing a critical role in the preservation of the Amazon rainforest” You are correct. It’s fucking nuking it. You fucking shit lords. #AI #Microsoft


Reposted Soatok Dreamseeker (
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Tell me about your Boring Technology that gets the job done and gets out of your user's way. Tell me how you made your app or service easy to use and hard to misuse. Tell me how you're encoding an understanding of the importance of consent into your architecture. Tell me how you're treating your employees better than your competitors are treating theirs.