Kind replies


Blogging still happens! There's still a tonne of it out there ☺


Oh no 😳 do you know how it was hacked?


What's your go to recommended reading for a newbie?


Is this with PulseAudio? I'd not had much trouble with it in the past, but since moving to PipeWire it's been pretty dang good ☺(not on Pop! OS tho)


Or is it that they're more likely trying to cut down on spam and abuse? In my experience that's more what companies who have it are trying to do


Early pandemic I splurged on a Herman Miller Aeron and it's been wonderful. I've not bought the extra lumbar support, but I mean to. You can get them reasonably priced refurbished through some suppliers, if you're (rightfully) seeing the price and thinking 😳


401 if credentials are invalid. 403 if credentials are valid, but the authenticater user isn't authorised to access


A while back we did sleep training using and that's done a tonne of good for our sleep habits. It's not easy, but it's worth it!


Hey I'd be willing to chat ☺ I'd generally be against removing anonymity - although it does provide a means for abusers to be hidden behind fake profiles, it also leads to the fact that folks who are ie victims of domestic abuse cannot use social media to protect themselves and discuss with others


Why's it a grave sin? Cause people shouldn't be allowed to choose what happens with their own bodies?


If you've not seen the final episode is 65 minutes, but yes there's a lot to get to - no spoilers from the book, but I'm so excited to see what they do with it


Only problem is it then litters your history with commits that don't fit in with the changes (ie "address code review comments") so I'd recommend instead


👋🏽 My website is, blog posts are at but as you're seeing from this reply, I also use it as a means of owning all my data (#IndieWeb) such as social media replies or whet books I'm reading. Built with #Hugo, deployed to AWS CloudFront through GitLab CI, and largely managed using Micropub


I'd totally be game 👋🏽 I'll join Slack to discuss more cause often if there's something I want to write about I'll just do it on my own site, but would be good to see about something for the community blog!


I always recommend more RAM on a machine where possible, especially if you can't upgrade yourself. It's one of those things I eventually find I need more of


Yeah was mentioned to me. I guess it's the fact that right now I'm happy with getting my phone out to do 2FA, and worry that if someone were to get my database and crack the password, they'd have all the keys to the castle. Gonan hold off on it for now, and make sure I secure my database with 2FA before I start putting in TOTP


Fair! Some of the ones that come to mind:

Baresca, Zaap, Pieminister, Annie's Burger Shack, Ye Olde Trip to Jerusalem, Copper, Secret Garden, Marrakesh