Kind notes


Doh - just hit the 2GB RAM limit on the VPS that hosts and a few other services I host. Thankfully it's incredibly easy to rescale the instance on @hetzner_online and within a couple of minutes I'm back up and running with 4GB!


Q: What can you do as a consumer?

Answer from Jeremy: Use #Firefox and anti-tracking software Answer from Remy: Don't be a consumer - build for the Web platform, make and share things

Jeremy: Nowadays, having a website is "disruptive" - use that to your advantage!



Not having my headphones at work yesterday really ruined my productivity - it's quite interesting how much I rely on them, and music, to help me focus


I was hoping to hack together a little thing to proxy multipart form requests via #Netlify functions this evening, but unfortunately it looks like Netlify doesn't support it, and it's less easy with AWS Lambda so I guess Spring Boot it is!


Been a pretty good start to the day - woke up naturally with Hue, closed off a couple of stories just after standup, and spent the rest of the morning sending unsolicited positive feedback to colleagues and requesting some for myself - amazing what a good start to the day does for you!