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Bookmarked Vanity URL for Go packages
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Introduction If you have been working with Go programming language for a while, you would have noticed that a lot of open source packages that you import start with…. You would then use go get command to download the package and add it to your go.mod file. For instance: $ go get -u What if you did not want this dependency on Github and rather wanted to host your own git server?


Bookmarked Optimizing AWS Lambda function performance for Java | Amazon Web Services
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This post is written by Mark Sailes, Senior Specialist Solutions Architect. This blog post shows how to optimize the performance of AWS Lambda functions written in Java, without altering any of the function code. It shows how Java virtual machine (JVM) settings affect the startup time and performance. You also learn how you can benchmark […]


Bookmarked Hard to work with.
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Managing teams has taught me a lot about my own behaviors and motivations. For example, I overworked for a long time. This left me continually teetering on the brink of burnout, and I had no energy left to absorb the typical sorts of organizational changes that happen at any company. Despite doing good work, I handled change poorly, and I picked up the reputation for being difficult to manage. I’d like to say that I learned from my mistakes directly, but the honest version is that I came to understand this dynamic mostly through working with folks struggling from the same issue.


Bookmarked You Need Feeds
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Want to keep up to date, automatically, easily and for free? You Need Feeds. Read an introduction to feeds, view providers, and you'll be well on the way to your own personal one-stop-shop for all your favourite sites.


Bookmarked API Warfare
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API-first. "Headless" e-commerce. "Headless" BI. We've seen a resurgence of startups reimagine startups like Shopify and Wordpress, but built for developers and built for composability. The API is the product. There's three major risks to building on an API. (1) Requests and responses aren't always the full contract. What happens


Bookmarked Opinion | The Case Against Loving Your Job
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Will work ever love us back? Two millennials disagree.

Thanks to Carol Gilabert for sharing this podcast last week.

Since leaving Capital One, I've realised that a lot of my self esteem and self worth has been poured into my work, and I was (mostly) getting a lot of satisfaction out of work, and enjoyed the fact that I was always busy, with sprint work, out-of-sprint work, and a tonne of internal side projects to work on, as well as general maintenance of libraries, as well as a wealth of proactive production support.

With my new role at the Data Standards Authority, I've been working to strike a better life-work balance, and the lack of "here's a billion things to work on at the same time" that I thought I was thriving on has made me realise that maybe I've been so used to being in this mode that I just assumed that I did enjoy it.

This podcast (and its transcript) is a good look at The Great Resignation, the way that workers across industries have been reconsidering their relationship to work, and with a wealth of options for jobs out here, as well as thinking about not what they want, but deserve.

I'm still working on my own relationship with work and how I find fulfillment in my life, and would recommend you have a listen/read to see if there's anything in there for you, too.