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Bookmarked Why Engineers Need To Write by Ryan Peterman 
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I hated writing in high school. It wasn’t objective like my favorite subjects, math and science. It also didn’t help that we had to write about old, hard-to-understand literature like Shakespeare. But my perspective on writing changed once I started working full-time as a software engineer.


Bookmarked Tech's Elite Hates Labor by Ed Z 
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I am furious. Though I try not to humour conspiracy theories, or suggest that there is any grand overture to what is usually an uncaring and cold world, but I cannot ignore what is a transparently-synchronized movement against the tech industry’s workforce.


Bookmarked How to Build Software like an SRE
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I’ve been doing this “reliability” stuff for a little while now (~5 years), at companies ranging from about 20 developers to over 2,000. I’ve always cared primarily about the software elements I describe as living “outside” the application – like, how does it get its configuration? What kinds of instances does it run on, and are those the best kinds to use? What steps does it take on its path from “code in a repository” to “running in production”? And I’ve always kept track of what I liked – which mechanisms allowed fast iteration and which caused frustration, which led to outages and which prevented them.


Bookmarked Entitlement in Open Source by Mike McQuaid 
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There have been discussions in the aftermath of the log4j vulnerability about whether or not open source is broken or sustainable, what we can do to improve the sustainability of the open source ecosystem moving forwards, and the entitlement of users and companies in expecting maintainers to fix their problems.


Bookmarked The Future of Tech Nottingham Events - 2022 and beyond — Tech Nottingham - Your local tech community
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As the world changes, so too must Tech Nottingham. We explore the future of Tech Nottingham events.

A lovely post, and I know that it was a very difficult post to write - but also not that TN will cease to be a thing.

The team have worked so incredibly hard to make remote work and it definitely feels like the right call, albeit a shame!


Bookmarked Stop Pretending Your Company is Remote by Luiz Felipe G. Pereira 
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The pandemic made evident how much work can, and should, be different. The forced change to accommodate remote workflows also brought to light what I like to call “virtual offices”. Unlike truly remote friendly workplaces optimized for asynchronous communication, these aim to merely transport the office into a virtual space keeping the same unnecessary constraints of synchronous work intact, only replacing shoulder taps with Zoom calls. I’d love if we collectively agreed to start using a more appropriate name for these. They are office-less companies but they are not remote-friendly.