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OK, let's debate a definition. Today, let's talk about "vulnerability" in software. Your product, (let's call it A) uses a library (which we'll call X). X has a load of features. Among those is some function, "someFunc" which has a bug. It's supposed to be safe to call with untrusted data... but some clever researchers have found that they can craft input that results in remote code execution (RCE). X has a vulnerability. Does A?


Liked Jeffrey Lembeck (
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Back when Raquel Vélez was my boss at npm, inc., she had a name for when somebody would give you an ill-defined task and then would get upset when you didn't do it "right." She called it "Bring me a rock." When I asked her what that meant, she would say "Bring me a rock... no, not that one." It was a pretty clear example. She recognized quickly that I hate, with all of me, "Bring me a rock." It's the least good game. Anyway, was thinking about that tonight. Everybody should use that.


Listened to Myself: It's not weird at all by Scott Hanselman 
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This episode wasn't supposed to be an episode! I was invited by Jeff Fritz of Twitch fame to talk to his community team of Live Coders on Discord. They recorded it, and mentioned several times that it was useful content! So, why not try something new and make this an episode! Let me know on Twitter if you find my views on community, productivity, and life useful to you!


Liked Kevlin Henney (
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Your irregular reminder: something referred to as a 'number' in a particular domain — account number, card number, phone number, ISBN, PIN, etc. — is rarely a number from a coding or mathematical perspective. Often 'numbers' contain letters, punctuation or other significant formatting. Even if they're just sequences of digits, they are just that, and a sequence of digits is not necessarily a mathematical number — if you're storing them as integers, now you know what you're fixing next week 🙃