
Liked Kris Nóva (
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Nóva's law of principal architecture review documentation. In a sufficiently large organization the number of pages in a Google doc is roughly equal to the number of people who will disagree with you either publicly or privately. The only way to ensure your ideas will be accepted and supported broadly is to achieve absolute 0 and never write a doc. If your ideas are too complicated to communicate "at runtime" via audio/text/email or otherwise it will never be accepted broadly by the org.


Liked Mayank (
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is there any website or app that brings you joy? pls share minimum requirement: it must not reek of capitalism (i.e. shouldn't try to immediately sell me shit or shove cookies/ads in my face) extra points if: - it's accessible - it doesn't require auth - you actually use it frequently - the person who made it is on this site (tag them)


Liked Terence Eden (
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Attached: 1 image So, as some of you may know, I was on the #Twitter Developers "Insiders" programme in the before times. As part of that, they occasionally sent me branded swag as a thank-you gift. Insiders would regularly get different things sent to them. I didn't know how highly esteemed they held me until I saw this sticker on the delivery box...!


Liked Nottingham Hackspace (
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Attached: 1 image Did you ever watch Robot Wars and think… “I could do that!”? Well now’s your chance to try! Come and join us at Nottingham Hackspace on the 6th of May to build and fight your own robot with help from experienced builders. Open to general public and members, as long as you are 18 or over 🙂 #Robotics #Nottingham


Liked JD Long ✅ (
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Is your 10x engineer really 10x more productive if they don’t boost team performance at all? Can we measure that? The best engineers I’ve worked with are the ones who can simplify problems and guide the team through the simplified vision. These engineers didn’t look 10x productive by measures of line count, to git commits or hours in the office. But their team got a lot done and, more importantly, didn’t waste time on dumb shit and over engineering. Most orgs suck at measuring those folks.